Our Pride in Business

Management philosophy

The philosophy of management is our greatest pride. We conduct training seminars for employees to share and reflect on the philosophy regularly. This foundation allows our continual growth and promises our further development.

The Best in Japan

It is our pride to work with the most talented people in Japan.

Every October we organise a cultural festival, an exhibit for our employees to showcase their decorating technique. All employees are divided into groups and their final displays are examined severely. Our work requires two types of skills, technique and service, so this event aims to improve the quality of technical and transferable skills.

50 over employees are First-degree achievers for a National Qualification in Indoor Horticulture Engineering Skills (we are renowned to be the best in Japan). Furthermore, we have 25 over engineers with a “S” class achievement working in our company, which is even more difficult to obtain than the First.

Quality of Talents

The quality of our people is our pride. We can prove that our talent pool is the best amongst competitors because our company is known as the best in our industry. Many of our employees studied agriculture or environment related courses in universities. We are all interested in nature and love plants.

All our members are serious about work, honest, hard-working, friendly and with a smile they strive to become the best at serving customers in their roles.

Women at Work

The performance of our female employees is our pride. Currently, about 50% of our company is run by the female force. From the marketing to the sales department, women are taking responsibilities in many aspect of our business.

Whether they are driving a truck or maintaining plants, everyone is always dressed with a smile no matter what they are doing. The customers also highly values them. If you see anyone in town, please do not hesitate to greet them!

We hope to continue balancing the gender ratio by recruiting talented female workers. We also believe there will be an increase in number of women taking leadership roles in the future.

Develop the people to develop the Company

We take pride in our belief that human resource is the most important factor in the hospitality industry. Hence, we put emphasis on our talent training sessions that we can be proud of.

The first year employees are sent to a week of training at a mountain near the Head Office. All other employees are obligated to participate in training seminars once every year for 3 days at a changeable location. There is also a meeting for all the managers to attend with the President every month, which takes place for a full day (7am until 4pm). Lastly, we also organise a big conference involving all our employees in the company, in order to keep learning from each other.

It is an honour to have such opportunities for training. We can listen and share our voices to deepen our understanding and respect for each other. Individual developments can help improve the company as a team.

Reliable Corporate Culture

It is a pride to have a reliable corporate culture. At our workplaces, even if you are a young employee, with the right enthusiasm you can speak your opinions and take actions. In the beginning, the service department was only run by a pair per team, with each team taking responsibility of different areas, which means the job was mostly conducted individually. In second year, the employees are asked to handle their own customer management.

As other examples, the decorations department in Tokyo was set up by a 23 year old female employee. The flowers and greens department in Tokyo was similarly set up by a 22 year old female employee who voluntarily raised her hands for the role. The gift department in Osaka was started by a 27 year old male employee and the same department was established in Tokyo by a fourth-year female employee. Of course, many of our experienced employees also achieved creating new departments and even launched a branch overseas.

To accomplish goals, there are always hardship and problem-solving involved. However, by remembering that we only have one life to live, our strong will helped us get through the drama. As long as you have the motivation and the ability to seek for chances, there are many tasks you can take in this business. It is a platform where everyone can test their capabilities and make wishes come true.

Sustainability and Safety

We have pride in our financial sustainability and safety awareness. As a business that centers on plant rentals, the financial conditions, such as ordinary profit and net assets, are maintained at top class.

Public Presentation of Accounts

Being confident with publicly displaying our accounts is a pride. Currently, our company has several branches with about 50 over departments. We manage separate accounts for each departments and they are publicly displayed so everyone reflect on the company’s performance in detail. The President and about 50 over leaders in the company continues to learn from these outcomes to improve the management together.

Internal Regulations and Trustability

We have pride in our tactic to improve trustability. As a listed company, we sign contracts with auditing corporations to severely critique our performance. Additionally, we hired 1 full-time auditor, 2 part-time auditor and 1 internal officer for the auditing room to maintain a more reliable corporate governance system.

We also ask for our shareholders to watch our performance, so all the stakeholders of our company can work together to make positive advancements.

The Environment

It is our pride to have the Osaka Head Office in an environment surrounded by nature. We can feel the change of seasons all year around and it is an ideal location for nature-lovers.

Many of the workers must drive away to serve their customers in the city and they cannot spend their entire day in nature. However, we also have a garden centre at the Head Office location where many of our local customers visit, so we can still feel proud of what the environment can offer.

Leaping Overseas

As part of the name founder gave to the company 50 over years ago, “Universal” is also a symbol of aspiration and our pride. We expanded our business to U.S.A and Singapore Shanghai, China, and we are continuing our search for opportunities abroad in several cities. We will become a universal, global corporation.

One and Only Listed

It is our pride that we are the first and only listed company in this industry.

As a listed company, we have changed from a private management to a public company. The financial numbers will be examined more strictly as a factual result of performance.

It will be like performing on stage viewed by the public. This can feel overwhelming, but we must continue to give our best performances to ensure that our “audiences” won’t leave. We decided to tell each other to “break a leg” and go on the stage since we only live once. It is a challenge, but there is nothing that compares to receiving thunderous applauses after every show.

A Challenger

It is our pride to strive as challengers. The company gradually worked its way for 55 years and has become somewhat stable. However, now our aim as a listed company is to grow further. The plant rental sector is currently the main business, but now we are focusing on also growing the other departments—flowers, landscape, gift, artificial flowers, retail and so on. Although the other departments have been doing well, there are still areas for improvement we can change.